Wednesday, July 17, 2013

About Us

Welcome to our company website - Pollugone!

The creators of this company include Jenny, Jonathon, Fiona, and Brandon.

Our goal is to discover a way to promote awareness concerning all types of pollution. The first and foremost problem we are trying to address to the public is the case regarding the numerous smokers out there that simply dispose of their cigarette butts on the ground, even though there may be an ash tray a couple feet away. Smokers are constantly striking out their cigarettes against walls or stomping them out on the ground, thus damaging property and adding to pollutants that are already in the air.

We have designed an ash tray called the Auto-Vinetray. It will be implemented into the ground near parking meters, telephone poles, bus stops, and in front of restaurants. What makes Auto-Vinetray different from already existing ash trays is that the Auto-Vinetray contains vinegar below the automatic tilting plate, which will diminish the smoke from the cigarette as well as get rid of the cigarette butt. From the research we have conducted, we found out that a majority of smokers find it more convenient to drop their cigarette on the ground, then stomp it out. Our product allows for the user to dispose their cigarette butts without adding to the pollutants that harm out environment.

Listed below is the link to our User Testing Research.